
LIprofilelogoNGO is available in hardcover, in paperback and as an e-book, all published by Profile Books of London. For translations, see below. You can buy Lingo online (e.g. from Amazon UK, USA, Germany). Alternatively, you might consider purchasing it at your friendly neighbourhood bookshop while it’s still there – the bookshop, I mean.

The AmeGroveAtlanticrican edition was published on December 1 2015 by Grove Atlantic of New York City. Paperback: 13 December 2016.

audible2Audible has published Lingo as an audio book. It was read by George Backman, who has an amazing ability to pronounce words in many languages.

A RussiAzbukaan-language edition – LINGVO – has been published by Azbooka-Atticus of Moscow. Natalie Shahova has translated it, and I have it from several independent expert sources that she has done an excellent job.


LINGO has been published in Swedish by Stockholm-based Alfabeta Bokförlag, in a translation by Torun Lidfeldt Bager. The subtitle is En språkresa genom Europa – ‘a language journey through Europe’.


In March 2017, Turner published the Spanish edition. Sale in Latin America will follow soon. The translation is by by José C. Vales.


In the same month, Ullstein of  Berlin published the German edition, translated by Juliane Cromme and titled ‘Sprachen’.

paxThe Norwegian edition was published by Pax
in the autumn of 2017, in a translation
by Hedda Vormeland.

AthenaeumLINGO was based on the Dutch-language book Taaltoerisme, published in 2012 by Scriptum of Schiedam.  In 2017, a new, revised and much enlarged edition titled  Lingua was published by Athenaeum of Amsterdam. It included all of Profile’s Lingo as well as some chapters from Taaltoerisme and three more from Sprachen.

Logo_garzantiAn Italian translation of Lingo has been published in 2020 by Garzanti of Milan, who bought the rights along with those for Babel.

43137890_10155651523871957_6075758902694117376_oA Polish-language edition was published in 2021 by
Karakter of Kracow. Like Babel, it has been translated
by the brilliant Anna Sak.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is neushoorn-2.jpgA Galician edition has been published by Rinoceronte editora, based in Cangas do Morrazo, a small town near Vigo in Galicia, the northwesternmost tip of Spain. I’m truly delighted that Lingo has found a publisher in a regional language!

Having published Babel in Greek, Athens-based Metaixmio also purchased the rights for Lingo! Published in 2022.

Dook BookA Mandarin edition has been published by Shanghai Dook, Shanghai. Here again, it was Babel that came first, and its success created a taste for more. Chinese is Lingo’s fourth script, after Latin, Cyrillic and Greek.


A Bangla (or Bengali) edition is being prepared by Bhashantar, a publisher in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The translator is Golam Hossain Habib.