
Louise‘Gaston Dorren is an engaging and entertaining speaker, at ease presenting his own ideas and in debate with the audience. He encourages them to question his ideas and to share their own insights creating an opportunity for audiences to challenge his ideas but also themselves. His knowledge of his subject is extensive and he is generous with his wisdom.’
Louise Hilditch, Brussels
Full Circle
, founder

‘Gaston is an enthralling and knowledgeable speaker who offers a uniquely playful, witty and deeply insightful perspective on linguistics. His determination to challenge perceived knowledge on the subject, and his ability to weave humour through all of his learnings, allow him to captivate audiences of all different levels of expertise. Gaston has been a joy to work with, and a memorable highlight of our conferences in Thessaloniki and Ljubljana.’
Alex Rawlings, Barcelona
Polyglot Conference, organiser

Emmy Cuiper‘Gaston’s talk went down a treat with all of us. I found it fresh, humorous and wide-ranging.’
Emmy Cuiper, The Hague
my liaison with SVVT,
women’s network of translator and interpreters

Susanne Thiele v‘What Gaston Dorren has to say about languages is truly interesting, and I’ve learned a lot of new things. Moreover, with his lively and entertaining presentation and his engaging manner, he captivates readers and spectators alike. The participants in our online lecture were delighted.’
Susanne Thiele
Europe Direct Karlsruhe

‘Even better [than reading the book] was having the author himself as a speaker in our bookshop. Since most visitors didn’t speak Dutch, he gave his talk in fluent German (…). Knowledgeable, witty and supported by a clever visual presentation, he took us on a wonderful trip to various languages near and far.’
Walter Vennen, Aachen
Schmetz am Dom, owner

FvS‘Translators are easy to talk to, but extremely hard to convince. Gaston Dorren struck exactly the right tone and selected the right subjects when speaking to a large audience of translators and translation students. We found Gaston to be wise, entertaining, funny and open to discussion on a wide variety of linguistic subjects. Truly a gifted speaker.’
Fedde van Santen,
Translation Academy Amsterdam, director

William Cisilino‘Gaston is a dynamic and humorous speaker with a really deep experience on linguistic matters. His background and pertinent examples, highlighted throughout an informal but highly focused debate with the other speakers, allowed participants to remain engaged, while also eliciting a fluid and open dialogue. ‘
William Cisilino, Udine (Italy)
Regional Agency for Friulian Language (ARLeF), director

DetlverH‘In his entertaining presentation, Gaston Dorren presented us with plenty of well-researched examples to illustrate how surprisingly different languages around the world are from those familiar to us in many core features, and that even the most seemingly plausible assumptions about linguistic structures will not hold true for a lot of languages around the world. A great way to gain some linguistic insight while having a fun evening!’
Detlev Hauschildt, Amsterdam
translator and interpreter (German, English, Dutch)