The app

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About the app:
 ‘An excellent idea’ – linguist and writer David Crystal
 ‘The idea works beautifully’ – linguist and blogger Sterre Leufkens
– Nominated for a Language Industry Award 2014

icoonDEFkleinThe Language Lover’s Guide to Europe is a travel guide listing many hundreds of destinations that will appeal to your linguistic curiosity. These include museums, minority languages, monuments, shops and oddities, many of which you would overlook without its help. It’s a rich, yet almost free source of hard-to-find information that will spice up your holidays anywhere in Europe for years to come.

The zoomable map makes it easy to find destinations you will enjoy. Addresses, telephone numbers and concise profiles are available even when you have no internet access. Once you’re online, the map and the links to useful websites make the user experience even better.